Yet we know little about what resilience feels like and we are unaware of how to build resilience. In today’s fast-paced world, we are exposed to ever-changing circumstances and challenges. It seems that we’re always under stress, however, there is little scientific understanding of how stress impacts our body with long-term negative health effects. It’s essential that we think about resilience not just in terms of dealing with negative events but also in building the kind of resilience that will help us deal with positive ones.

What is resilience?

So, what does resilience mean?  Let’s understand –  Definition of resilience: Resilience is simply the ability to deal with adversity with composure, strength, and adaptability. What is resilience in psychology? In other words, psychologically resilience is about learning how to bounce back from trauma, failure, fear, and disappointments in life. It is about learning how to pick yourself up after you’ve fallen down. Resilience is not about being a victim of life. It’s about rising above that tragic situation and continuing on with your life. Think of it like the body’s ability to heal from an injury – if you get hit by a car, your body won’t be able to immediately repair itself but you can make it through the ordeal.  Similarly, you can feel more resilient after a difficult day at work if you can take time for yourself to recharge by going for a walk, meditating, or taking care of friends and family Related Resource: How to calm down and relax your mind all the time?

Why is resilience important?

Resilience is the ability to maintain a positive emotional state despite great stress.   Resilience becomes especially important when life takes a bad turn. In times of great stress if you want to maintain a positive emotional state. then building resilience and strength to adapt to the changing environment is very crucial. The practice of resilience is an essential aspect of maturing as a human being. It is a lesson learned from our past experiences or from people who have already gone through it. There is always something that can be done to make oneself more resilient in the face of adversity: what does resilience mean?

Types of resilience

Characteristics of resilience

These are the list of characteristics of resilient people

Components of resilience

Factors of resilience

Who is a resilient person?

A resilient person is one who mastered the emotional strength to sustain an internal state that allows one to deal effectively with novel or changing circumstances.  Resilient people can bounce back from trauma or disappointment more quickly than others. It comes from a mind-body connection called the resilience process.  In that process he updates his beliefs and values, re-evaluating existing beliefs and relationships, changing his behavior, and learning new skills. Also, he or she can withstand a great deal of stress in daily life. It may involve physical measures, such as ceasing certain activities when tired or experiencing anxiety or depression, or emotional ones, such as quitting a harmful relationship or job.

How to be resilient?

How to build resilience?

Resilience can be learned and practiced in three main areas: In order to practice resilience effectively you need to identify what type of stress you’re facing.  Then, you need to develop strategies for dealing with it. Finally, you need to develop a set of actions that will help you recover from whatever level of resilience you’ve achieved.

Skills of resilience

Strategies of resilience

Strategies to build resilience

How to be resilient to stress?

How to build resilience in children or students?

How to build resilience at work

Benefits of resilience

Final inspirational thoughts that help you to build your resilience:

Still, thinking how to be resilient? You can sit and wait for years for life to change, but you just need to realize that this life is waiting for you to change.  Wake up, build resilience, just bounce back and do whatever it takes. Even if it costs your life, go with your instincts anyway. You will not regret and will be thankful to yourself for having such courage.  To achieve anything, you have to pay the price in return. That’s how life works. Go after whatever you dream of, but be kind to yourself and maintain a balanced mindset when dealing with hardships.  A person with the right intention and a fair judgment always has ways to solve problems with harmony and always finds peace even in the middle of never-ending storms.  Be that person whom you visualize yourself to be regardless of any challenges and obstacles. All those difficulties are just temporary but your life is forever and it’s up to you what choices you want to make in this moment. Finally, I want to conclude by stating that, if you follow your passions and visions, one thing I guarantee you that, “You become what you make use of yourself.” Therefore, choose your energy, enthusiasm and efforts in the right place. If you act consistently on your dreams, then the rest will become history. Good luck! We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for info.

Naveen’s expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with Naveen’s work, connect with him by following his social media accounts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.