When carefully choreographed, symmetry can be a brilliant tool in the world of photography.  The photographic fashion artists Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward have practiced symmetry, making in the centerpiece of a collection of images they call Mirrors.  These human-inspired Rorschachs feature simple feminine fashions repeated and reversed with a simple mirroring trick.  While the technique may not be ground-breaking, the images are visually pleasing to say the least.  [via trendland] View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery

Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 31Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 94Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 79Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 19Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 59Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 70Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 76Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 4Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 50Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 9Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 11Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 8Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 91Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 54Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 34Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 59Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 97Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 49Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 27Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 72Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 48Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 21Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 36Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 91Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 99Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 18Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 32Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 54Mirrors by Ujin Lee and Thomas Edward - 27