The Sole is designed to provide greater connectivity between the Flex Run’s contact pad and the terrain beneath it.  Its business end looks like a traditional running shoe with rows and columns of rubbery pads.  It fastens to the Flex run after sliding around the carbon fiber like a sleeve, then stays firmly in place for miles and miles on end.  It’s a great advancement for amputee athletes and an inspiring innovation for those of us who are still fortunate enough to have the use of both legs.  Hats off to Nike, Ossur and Sarah Reinersten as well. [via designboom]

Nike Sole Prosthetic Running Shoe - 74Nike Sole Prosthetic Running Shoe - 22Nike Sole Prosthetic Running Shoe - 45Nike Sole Prosthetic Running Shoe - 81Nike Sole Prosthetic Running Shoe - 5Nike Sole Prosthetic Running Shoe - 34Nike Sole Prosthetic Running Shoe - 48Nike Sole Prosthetic Running Shoe - 25Nike Sole Prosthetic Running Shoe - 73Nike Sole Prosthetic Running Shoe - 91Nike Sole Prosthetic Running Shoe - 60Nike Sole Prosthetic Running Shoe - 37Nike Sole Prosthetic Running Shoe - 21Nike Sole Prosthetic Running Shoe - 71Nike Sole Prosthetic Running Shoe - 43Nike Sole Prosthetic Running Shoe - 15