Kouichi Okamoto and crew at Kyouei Design took a literal interpretation to their merging of lighting design.  The Light Bulb Lantern by Kyouei Design fuses the traditional design of paper lanterns with the ubiquitous industrial light bulb.  This lantern features the shape and stamp of the classic light bulb, but there’s nothing stopping you from powering it with a CFC bulb within.  This bulb is a conversation piece, a tribute to modern art philosophy and an intriguing throwback to the history of how we light our human world. [kyouei ltd] View in gallery View in gallery

The Light Bulb Lantern by Kyouei Design - 27The Light Bulb Lantern by Kyouei Design - 86The Light Bulb Lantern by Kyouei Design - 52The Light Bulb Lantern by Kyouei Design - 62The Light Bulb Lantern by Kyouei Design - 60The Light Bulb Lantern by Kyouei Design - 1